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Embracing Our Light: Overcoming the Fear of Shining Brightly

Embracing Our Light: Overcoming the Fear of Shining Brightly

There is a very common presentation that I see in my work often, and in order to successfully navigate mind and body transformations, I believe that it is paramount to uncover, understand, and uninstall unhelpful or limiting beliefs.

False and self-limiting beliefs can stifle progress toward achieving goals or prevent us from living our ideal lives as our core beliefs drive our behaviours and the way we experience the world around us.

There are a vast variety of limiting beliefs that can hold one back and sabotage our positive progress, but there is one that isn’t often recognised with our conscious mind that I feel it is important to highlight and dismantle.

In the depths of our subconscious mind, a profound fear can linger, not of being unworthy or inadequate, but a fear of our own brilliance.

It is our light, rather than our shadows, that often evokes a limiting belief or a block that holds us back. This can stem from a fear that is deeply rooted in our instinctive longing for belonging. We are wired to feel that our survival depends on being part of the “herd,” as we believe that there is safety in numbers.

Deep within, we can harbour a fear of being different or standing out from the crowd. It feels vulnerable and unsafe to stand alone, and our brains frequently take a mental shortcut, assuming that the group, “must know something we don’t.”

This fear manifests in various forms: the fear of shining too brightly, of being different, of being “wrong,” of risking possible rejection or being cast out.

However, what we often fail to recognise is the power of our genius neurology, we can rewire limiting beliefs by shifting our inner dialogue and train our brains to change our perspective and in doing so, rewire in more helpful core beliefs, that will be the driver behind our behaviours.

It can be helpful to have a daily practice where we tell ourselves that we are unwavering, unlimited, unstoppable, unflappable, unshakable and unbreakable and that we are all meant to shine, to stand out and to thrive with our own unique strengths, gifts, and talents.  Train your mind to recognise that your success can be an inspiration to others, to show others what is possible and that other people’s success is not our failure.  Lifting others up who succeed in their own individual ways and cheering them on can also be a wonderful way to start delayering any negative associations that we may have with success.  We are all meant to shine, and in our time, so playing small serves no one – not ourselves, not others and certainly not the world.

There is nothing enlightened about dimming our light, shrinking into a box defined by others’ expectations or staying small so that others around us won’t feel insecure or jealous. Each of us carries a light that is meant to shine, and when we give ourselves permission to shine as brightly as we are meant to, we illuminate the path for others to do the same.

Our light and fearlessness shine a beacon of what is possible, instilling hope and belief. This act of embracing our light liberates others to find their own light within.

When we stand radiating our full brilliance, we not only live authentically, but also inspire those around us to rise to their own potential.

In conclusion, it is of the utmost importance to recognise and embrace our inherent light. By doing so, we overcome the deep-seated fear of standing out and instead, empower ourselves and others to shine brightly. The world needs our light, our courage, and our authenticity.

Let us step into our brilliance, knowing that our light can light the way for countless others to find their own.

  • Written by Fern Warren, Clinical Hypnotherapist WMSA
  • 13.08.24

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